Discover our homeland!

Active holidays & events in the Bregenzerwald

The scenic and cultural diversity in the Bregenzerwald is great. Discover more of it at the numerous activities and events.
More details about the Bregenzerwald: 

Winter events

Freerider im Tiefschnee

BMW Freeride Testival

The biggest BMW Freeride Testival in the Alps comes to Warth-Schröcken, with the latest equipment.
Jährlich im März

Skipiste mit Blick auf Talstation Salober | Winterurlaub für Genießer

Arlberg Free Ride - Safari

The ultimate freeride tour around the Arlberg, from Warth-Schröcken via Lech-Zürs to St. Anton and back again.
1x a week

Veranstaltungen im Bregenzerwald Winter

Husky - Sledge Tours

It is a special snow pleasure to glide silently over the glittering white in a team with three huskies and to discover the grandiose mountain landscape on the sledge. It's worth unbuckling your skis for a few hours for this. The musher, a trained dog sled driver, must have perfect command of the skills involved in handling the sled dogs.
Beliebig buchbar über das Aadla-Team.

Rodler im Schnee | Winterurlaub für Genießer

Tobogganing evening

Twice a week there are organised tobogganing evenings, which provide great fun. In addition, the toboggan run in Warth provides daily tobogganing fun during the operating hours of the village run!

Veranstaltungen im Bregenzerwald Winter

Taster - Ski Tour

The taster ski tour offers a gentle yet eventful introduction to the world of touring and is therefore suitable for all beginners and newcomers with no to little ski touring experience.
1x a week

Veranstaltungen Winter im Bregenzerwald

Guided snowshoe hikes

We will gladly organise a guide for you to experience the winter magic "on silent soles".
Auf Anfrage

Gruppenbild Musikverein Schröcken am Körbersee

Entertainment evenings Musikverein Schröcken

From the end of December, weekly entertainment evenings will be held each evening by the local music association. The evening is framed with stories and information from our homeland and a special highlight: dances by the children's costume group Schröcken.

Veranstaltungen im Bregenzerwald Winter

Wine gondolas

A unique wine tasting in the extraordinary setting of the gondolas of the Auenfeldjet: selected Austrian sommeliers present their wines in the gondolas.
1x per year in April

Kindermit Ski am Start bei Speed Check | Skiurlaub mit Kindern am Arlberg

Children's ski race of the ski school

weekly fridays

Frau wirft Schnee in die Luft

Breathing courses with breathing coach

Due to the stress of everyday life, we often forget to give our bodies a short break. Our coach Carmen Drexel shows us how it is possible to combine short or long breathing exercises with everyday life and thus simply take a deep breath now and then.
Auf Anfrage

Veranstaltungen im Bregenzerwald Winter

Ski & Concert

At the open-air stage at the Sporthotel Steffisalpe you can end your skiing day with live music!
Ab Februar immer samstags

verschneiter Christbaum

Warth Christmas Market

Experience a contemplative and romantic pre-Christmas period in the snow-covered landscape of Warth-Schröcken. The small but fine Christmas markets in Warth are the ideal meeting place for a chat around an open fire with mulled wine, punch and many other traditional delicacies. And who knows, maybe you'll find the perfect Christmas present here just in time!

Fancy more winter?

Summer events

Alpmuseum uf m Tannberg

Alpine Museum "uf m Tannberg

Discover how it used to be at the
Tannberg - how they lived and worked.
Exhibition "Old crafts of the mountain farmers" from June to September
 Open 2 x a week

Sonnenaufgang Warther Horn

Sunrise Tour Wartherhorn (2.256m)

The sunrise tour on the Wartherhorn is an easy tour that can also be done by families with children. Tip: After the tour you can enjoy a delicious mountain breakfast at the Hochalphütte (subject to a charge).
1 x weekly

Leute auf Berg bei Seven Summit | Chalet in den Bergen

Seven Summit Tour in Schröcken

The legendary tour is the ultimate challenge for every mountaineer, combined with a good cause. In one day, the seven peaks surrounding Schröcken are climbed. A total of 4,300 metres of altitude are climbed over a distance of 50 kilometres.
Annually in September

Menschen auf Gipfel mit Panorama

Guided mountain tour

1-2, depending on the season,
free of charge

Blumen im Detail von Froschperspektive

Guided herb walk

1 x weekly
in Au and in Holzgau

Wanderer auf Berg

Guided Tours & Hikes

Wöchentlich dienstags,
Thursdays and Fridays, free of charge

Gruppenbild Musikverein Schröcken am Körbersee

Square concerts Musikverein Schröcken

in July and August
weekly in the evening

verschiedene Käsesorten

Cheese dairy tours in the region

Several times a week


  Sunset cruise with
the Diedamskopf mountain railways

1 x a week, with buffet on request (subject to charge)

Music and traditional costume evenings

Several times in summer, performances (Heimatabend) by the Schröcken Muskiverein together with the Kindertrachtengruppe.
1x a week during the summer holidays

Fancy more summer?